Ver. 0.17.0

-Added two new shot types and a shot selection screen.

-Made player selection screen. Player can now play as Hildegarde and Lombard as separate characters.

-Made loading screen.

-Added jump command.

-Remapped controller bomb button to Y, switch character button to SELECT, and jump button to B.

-Made new stage title card animation.

-Made it so Lombard's shot 1 focus shot movement function uses the center of the hit-box instead of its x-coordinate.

-Other graphical changes.

-Dialogue changes.

-Changed save file system.

-Bug: fixed some projectiles not being affected by pause.

-Bug: fixed options not resetting on continue.

-Bug: fixed option projectiles becoming invisible on continue.

-Bug: fixed Hildegarde's bomb incrementing value twices when the player is using the second shot.


lombard_win_v0.17.0.7z 14 MB
8 hours ago
lombard_linux_v0.17.0.7z 13 MB
8 hours ago

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